Bright Ideas

Bright Ideas | Episode 6 | Josy Martinez

Jessica Duemig Season 1 Episode 6

What a joy it was to speak with Josy Martinez early in the morning (so, so early) as we recorded Episode 6 of Bright Ideas! Josy and I go way back to our Skyscanner days in Miami and draw on similar yet very different experiences in the workplace for today’s conversation.

About Josy

Josy has over 15 years’ experience in the human resources field. She’s helped raise companies from the ground up, advised c-suite executives and increased performance across the board. In terms of formal education, Josy holds a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Psychology attended the University of Miami for their Certified Professional Coaching Program. 

As she continues to evolve – both personally and professionally - Josy is expanding her personal professional aspirations into the life/career coaching world; and she recently launched her coaching business, First Coffee then Things. In her own words, "I’m a coach who works with individuals and teams, as they navigate personal and professional opportunities and challenges. Together, we create a safe space to help them explore the tools and support they have available to empower themselves and accomplish their goals.”

Episode 6 – What’s it all about?

Throughout the course of our conversation, Josy and I delved deep into passion and success as she talked about occupying spaces that weren’t necessarily built for her. Josy has developed her skills of navigating – and in a lot of cases, creating – uncomfortable conversations and situations. How does political correctness fit into the workplace? How do you flip the switch of common preconceptions?

We spoke a lot about gender and cultural issues, and what that means for you as a human, as an employee and as a manager. Though we didn’t specifically use the term during out conversation, is there a dose of unconscious bias in your day-to-day? 

And finally, we talked about success. How do you define your success? Is it based on what society tells you success is? Is it what your spouse or parents say it is? How does social media affect your definition of successful

This was a wonderful conversation and one I hope to continue in future episodes! 


Connect with Josy if you want to talk about HR as a profession, or if you’re in search of a life or professional coach. Josy is an amazing listener with a ton of insight. Use the links below to follow, connect with and engage with Josy. HOT TIP: Suggest meeting up for coffee!